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HomeBond provides HomeBond Insurance through HomeBond Insurance Services Ltd underwritten by Allianz plc. HomeBond Insurance is structural defect insurance with deposit and stage payment cover for new homes. Once the Certificate of Insurance (Final Certification) is issued, HomeBond Insurance provides financial cover for relevant structural and relevant defects, should they arise. The Policy covers:
Two site visits by a HomeBond Engineer. The first inspection will be during the excavation of the foundations. The second will be an overall structural inspection just before the house is covered in plasterboard internally when all the elements are visible.
Structural Defects Cover for 10 years in respect of the repair of major structural defects.
Smoke Penetration / Water Ingress Cover for 5 years in respect of remedial work in the event of water ingress/smoke penetration caused by major structural defects.
Deposits & Stage Payments Cover the loss of money deposited for the construction or purchase of a new home.